We have a number of small groups who meet in homes or church that care for each other, pray together, learn and enjoy fellowship on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Close friendships are made here. The love support and growth of small groups is vital. And they are open to anyone to join. At present we have the following small groups:
Ocean Grove (Masons): Wednesday evenings (7.30pm) at the Masons’ home (contact Brian or Pam Mason).
Mens’ Bible Study: Wednesday afternoons (12 noon BYO lunch; 12.30 pm study) at the church (contact Robert Myers 0488 574 855).
‘Know Your Bible’ or KYB: Thursday morning (10.15 am) weekly, hosted at the church. (This group is external to BPCC, but is led by our member Geraldine Davidson).
Ring Robert Myers on 0488 574 855 for details.