We believe God has called us to be a people of prayer in a house of prayer. This is when we meet.


Connecting with God is a privilege we have. We meet together on Wednesday mornings at 9.30am to pray for the needs of our community and the world. We invite anyone to drop a prayer request in to the church prayer box at the front of our property or drop us an email at bellarinecoc@gmail.com.


We make provision for prayer for healing at the end of every Sunday morning service. We would be delighted to pray for you there where we usually anoint with oil and lay hands if you are comfortable with this. Please come forward at the end of the service, and speak with a pastor or elder.



As often as we are led we walk the local streets praying for the neighbourhood that God would pour out his blessing on our community at the house-by-house level.


We hold a Prayer Day either at the church or away at places like Anglesea or Queenscliff to pray for the community and for ourselves. A special feature is setting aside times so that we can sit in God’s presence to receive his renewal but also to hear his voice. We do this a couple of times a year for our leadership team or for our congregation. We believe Christ is the head of his church so it is important the church hears his directions on a regular basis.

Regional Prayer

We are eager to join other churches on the Peninsula as they join together from time to time to pray, united in the love of Christ and love of the Bellarine. We join all denominations in this rewarding endeavour.